Monday, November 10, 2008

Realizing The Inner Strength

"Better keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through which you must see the world."

George Bernard Shaw
Discovering your inner desires and finding the true meaning of life are a necessity for living happy. But the whole process of acquiring ones cherished desires and living them is more than it just seems because before one opts for conquering the outer world, it is important to realize the inner strength which breaks or makes an individual. One can not overlook the inner conscience because the whole process of conquering starts from inside. Our heart and soul are like a window through which we see others. We make opinions about situations and people on the basis of our innerself. So having a clear conscience is the most important thing one should do for acquiring inner strength. We as humans tend to think negative at times which leads to pessimism and ultimately to self-destruction. Our mind power is a result of our heart and soul. The more purity in them, the more mind power resides in us.

There is no doubt that whatever you do always comes back to you. We do good and bad things and in a result to that we get the reflection of our deeds. I know we have been hearing about such instructions eversince our childhood but to what extent we have applied them in our lives? And the judgements that we make about our-selves are normally in our own favour and perhaps we may even rate our negative points as the good ones. I'm not criticizing an individual for holding his/her thoughts high, I'm only saying that a clear conscience will automatically generate delight in our lives. Because like thoughts attract eachother. Thinking or doing good for someone today may result in the best for us tomorrow.

Portraying hypocrisy infront others does not do any bad to them. It only pollutes you inside. So how the pollution living inside your mind could energize you? So the idea of keeping yourself clean and bright is not so bad huh?It is only a step towards the abundance of happiness waiting for you.


Muhammad Umair Tariq said...

i hope u like the pic below this post THE UNSEEN POWER

Anonymous said...

Its awesome

Unknown said...

Mineral water ka ad lag rha hai

Anonymous said...

No this does not look like mineral water add, its unique and the depth in this topic can not be measured unless and untill you know the inner sight of ur self and people working around you. The topic carries a message which not only relates to your inner sight but also awakens your emotionl aspects of like along with spiritual.

Anonymous said...

Pretty interesting. Few comments though:

I understand the notion of "struggle to realize one's inner-self", but are inner-self and inner-desires interchangeable terms? Does following one's desires lead them to success? Do "desires" really have anything to do with what we truly are from within? Personally, I believe that following one's inner-desires only lead to destruction. Realizing “inner conscience” might let us conquer materialism, but it must be kept in mind that it may not lead us to become a hermit. Success lies in moderation. One may devote certain time of the day (or night?) to contemplate about him/herself, but true success would come if that is combined with living one’s life as a community. Sharing thoughts and deeds that may benefit others from the community will never go futile.

Point made on “having a clear conscience” is very important and it deserves more elaboration.

All-in-all I mostly agree with the author of this blog. Most of the things make sense, but with certain minor differences in my view that I have put forth as my opinion.

Good work!