Friday, November 28, 2008

Boosting Mind-Power through Optimism !

With rising standard of living and increased work pressure, stress inevitable creeps into our lives. One way to prevent ourselves from suffering the detrimental effects of stress is to make optimism a part of our attitude. Optimism is an attitude which "keeps you going when you already want to stop". Optimism also goes hand in hand with will and determination.Consider this scenario: your goal is to be financially successful yet you just lost your job. You seek employment in various companies but ended up being rejected.
In this situation, optimism might not be enough to get you through. You need to have determination and the will to go on and massive amount of action to reach your objective. By looking at things optimistically, you can always tell yourself that it does not matter if you keep on being rejected from other companies, you can always try again and there are still other options, such as starting your own business, working at home, etc.Another thing about optimism - you also have to pair it with sense. Have you ever met people who seem to have their heads up in the air because what they are trying to achieve is totally impossible? When you practice optimism, make sure that your goal makes sense and you have to base it with reality.By doing so, you can be assured that more or less, by hard work and sincere effort, you can achieve your goal. Always remember that optimism is useless if you use it for far-off dreams, like you waking up to find that you have grown some angel wings overnight.
Generally, optimism can really be a source of inspiration and enlightenment to people. It is a way for people to boost their inner strength when they already feel like giving up. Throughout the years, optimism has been responsible for the success of a lot of people who never expected that they could achieve their goals, but still were determined enough to do so. Some would even say that optimism is a trait which helped them to keep their sanity during times when they thought they were really on the verge of going bananas because of their problems! Developing an optimistic mindset is going to put you in a position in spotting opportunities and turning failures into important learning lessons. The key here is to combine logic and optimism and you will be more productive in many areas of life.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Unlimited Capability

There are times when frustration comes into play and dreams do not. Perhaps the result of such mind-set involves backing off from dreaming and taking dreams as impossible and childish. Although it is only because of mental restrictions. By mental restrictions i mean when we put a condition on our dreams and consider them to come true anyway. Obviously such feelings will only lead to a frustrated mind. Let's say you want something badly but somehow you do not get it because of the circumstances. This makes you feel that dreams are mere illusions which can be temporarily used to make you feel happy and then you plan to keep your dreams just to "fantasies" and decide not to think to put them into life. Just tell me one thing, is this the value of your dream infront of you? If you cant get it then you decide to hold it back for good? It means you do not even care to know that you have been blessed with Unlimited Capabilities.

Everything you want to accomplish, requires your determination. So when a dream does not come true,it means you are the one at fault because you haven't given your best shot. If you can be so realistic about pessimism then why not optimism? What iam trying to say is you are the one who choses to belief in good or bad luck,not your dreams. They are your thoughts and if you do not value them, no one else will. It is simple as this, if you find yourself unattractive and boring in your social circle then you will become what you think and others will see you through your vision.

The formula that i have come across for accomplishing one's dreams consists of being Aware of yourself , getting to know your Desires, Believing what you want and putting your beliefs into Action. The completion of this forumula practically creates an unlimited capability inside you. The awareness tool constantly keeps notice of your thoughts/actions and tells you how to treat them,by digging into your desires you get to know what is it that matters to you the most, believing in your desires makes you feel stronger and acting in accordance with them unleashes the potentional of Unlimited Capabilties.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Unseen Power

This blog States all the un seen powers one might encounter in life. It is majorily regarding the imagination one perceives from the mind. Our lives are strongly indulged in the day to day activities that we hardly get time to think about our deepest desires. Life involves so much with it that one deviates from their innerself. Reviving those desires makes life much lovable. Imagining the true wants can serve to bring happiness and contentment in life.

As Einstein puts it this way : "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

Many of us have deep faith but have forgotten how to tap into it personally. I have been doing a great deal of exploration on this and have found that I often have to remember to believe, to literally and consciously choose to believe and then act on what I believe to prove that I actually do.

I recently attended a convention that I have gone to for many years and I caught myself having negative thoughts and beliefs. I believed that everyone had already hired me and therefore there were no more opportunities there for me.

Those negative beliefs quickly took me in to feelings of despair as I began to shrink and withdraw. As I disappeared into my fear and doubt, soon no one was talking to me. Then I realized, I was creating my reality. Based on what I wanted, I asked myself what I could believe. I could believe there were countless opportunities there for me, not just for busins, but also that for making new friends and having fun.

I chose to believe this was the perfect place for me to be. Then I set an intention to easily meet great people. Suddenly, it was like I entered a different reality. Within minutes I shifted who I was and my world transformed with me. Within an hour, two people I had never met before hired me! And that evening I had a real blast, including dancing.

Here’s a personal example of how I used this with my family. I was long overdue in seeing a close relative. In my memory, this person was difficult to be with, so I assumed it was going to be an unpleasant visit. Again, I caught myself in the act and chose to believe that we loved each other. Sure enough, our time together was beautiful and when it was time to leave, I actually wanted to stay longer.

In both examples, it wasn’t my will that caused the change. It was my belief, my deep faith in miracles and my knowledge that miracles can occur anytime and anyplace if we can just get willing. And that’s when I realized this is the ideal use of will. We can use our will to make choices, to choose to believe and to change our mindset. There is nothing as powerful as our faith and through our personal beliefs we have the ability to deepen our faith and trust.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Realizing The Inner Strength

"Better keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through which you must see the world."

George Bernard Shaw
Discovering your inner desires and finding the true meaning of life are a necessity for living happy. But the whole process of acquiring ones cherished desires and living them is more than it just seems because before one opts for conquering the outer world, it is important to realize the inner strength which breaks or makes an individual. One can not overlook the inner conscience because the whole process of conquering starts from inside. Our heart and soul are like a window through which we see others. We make opinions about situations and people on the basis of our innerself. So having a clear conscience is the most important thing one should do for acquiring inner strength. We as humans tend to think negative at times which leads to pessimism and ultimately to self-destruction. Our mind power is a result of our heart and soul. The more purity in them, the more mind power resides in us.

There is no doubt that whatever you do always comes back to you. We do good and bad things and in a result to that we get the reflection of our deeds. I know we have been hearing about such instructions eversince our childhood but to what extent we have applied them in our lives? And the judgements that we make about our-selves are normally in our own favour and perhaps we may even rate our negative points as the good ones. I'm not criticizing an individual for holding his/her thoughts high, I'm only saying that a clear conscience will automatically generate delight in our lives. Because like thoughts attract eachother. Thinking or doing good for someone today may result in the best for us tomorrow.

Portraying hypocrisy infront others does not do any bad to them. It only pollutes you inside. So how the pollution living inside your mind could energize you? So the idea of keeping yourself clean and bright is not so bad huh?It is only a step towards the abundance of happiness waiting for you.

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Unseen Power

This blog States all the un seen powers one might encounter in life. It is majorily regarding the imagination one perceives from the mind. Our lives are strongly indulged in the day to day activities that we hardly get time to think about our deepest desires. Life involves so much with it that one deviates from their innerself. Reviving those desires makes life much lovable. Imagining the true wants can serve to bring happiness and contentment in life.
As Einstein puts it this way :
"Imagination is more important than knowledge"

Indulging In The Unseen

"Your heart is free, have the courage to follow it. -Braveheart"
Many of us live in our own worlds and develop a passionate liking for those things that surround our fantasies. Everyone sees this through their own perspective. Something that differentiates each of us is our thinking pattern. But what matters is that, do we actually follow what we believe?. Because at times having a confusing mind-set can make our mental abilities go numb. We might focus over the visible and ignore the unseen. Someone has said very rightfully that "if you could envison the type of person God intended you to be then you would rise up and never be the same again". The point that I am trying to make over here is we let go of the things that we want because of the circumstances that surround us. We forget our inner most desires because it is hard to fulfill them. And sometime later iin life we become what others wants us to be and not what we want.
I believe that Universe is governed by the rules and regulations of ALLAH (GOD) and he is the Creator of everything, whatever happens is because He has designed it to. But this Creator wants His human beings to indulge in the unseen. The invisible which can only be felt by our hearts. Our mind may not accept it but our heart acts on it. The inner voice which guides us but sometimes it is ignored because of its zero physical value. For instance, happiness, it cant be touched because it can only be found internally. It is simply just what we decide to do, whether we choose to be happy or sad,whether we are grateful for what we have or always crying about what we dont have. It is only a matter of choice. We get so busy in living our so called lives that we forget the real meaning behind living. As a human we all need to be understood and loved. On not getting this fulfilled, one feels frustrated and that is when the things start to bother us. If one is internally fulfilled then frustrations are held back by the mind. We forget that if we do not value ourselves then no one else will i.e. love and understanding starts from with in. It is the power of mind that gives birth to fantasized living. Every individual is blessed with this power. Ralph Waldo Emerson puts it well, "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."
"Imagination is more important than knowledge" (Einstein)